Harborough District Council





Thursday  5th May 2011


Vote Lutterworth


Vote Bill Piper




Who is he?

Why is he standing?

What does he stand for?

What does he believe?


Who is he?


I arrived in Lutterworth in the middle of a blizzard in March 1987.

Brought to the area because of work, I found a house in Lutterworth and quickly realised that Lutterworth made the house a home.


Over the Past 20 years I have been involved in a number of local charities and community associations: -

Volunteer Centre,               Volunteer, Treasurer and Chair,     Driving a mini bus most Christmas days for the ‘Open’ lunch

Town Hall                         Trustee, Treasurer and Secretary

Lutterworth Age Concern  Volunteer, Treasurer and Secretary

Radio Lutterworth              Presenter and Chair

Freecycle Lutterworth         I started and run the Lutterworth Freecycle site.


Also serving as a Town Councillor, Mayor and active on a number of committees and working parties. Indeed it was I was my 28 page report on Light pollution that instigated the  council’s Environmental Working Party.

A strong defender of the De Verdon Road allotments.


I have taken an active role in what I felt to be the best for Lutterworth and the residents of Lutterworth.


Fighting for what is best for LUTTERWORTH


What does he stand for?


Lutterworth and the residents of Lutterworth. "Getting the best for Lutterworth and it's community without the baggage of party politics".


Quality of life "Safety, on the roads, at home, reduction of crime and violence".


Environment "Reducing the carbon foot print, increasing energy saving schemes and putting pennies back in your pocket".


Once described as: -

        Bill Piper. The BP that really does care about Your environment.

I have been very outspoken on the efficiency of the CCTV system in Lutterworth – even quoted in the Lutterworth Mail as saying the previous system ‘was not fit for purpose’. It has since been overhauled and has been instrumental in achieving convictions for vandalism.


I have instigated a Neighbourhood Watch scheme around where I live and would advocate more NHW schemes and ‘No Cold Calling’ zones.



Why is he standing?


I was asked a number of times to become a Town Councillor before I eventually agreed, and was co-opted on to the council, becoming increasing involved in council activities. With roles in Planning, Administration and Finance and the Environmental working party.


During my second term on the council I agreed to stand for the office of Deputy Mayor as I then felt I knew enough about the working of the council to fulfil the role effectively. I progress to the office of Mayor the following year.


Since then I have been somewhat surprised by the number of folk that want me to stand up for Lutterworth at Harborough District Council. I am confident that I can properly represent what is best for Lutterworth and the community at Harborough.



What does he believe?


I am an ardent Independent. I believe that there is no room in local government for party politics. A political party can not always do or know what is best at the grass roots. We have seen a number of examples of this at Harborough District Council


I do not believe party politics are in the best interest of the individuals. The only way of considering issues is on the merits of those issues.

I have been described as ‘an independent Independent’.







Vote Lutterworth


Vote Bill Piper











Vote Lutterworth


Vote Bill Piper



I am your local independent candidate.


I care about the issues that you care about.


I judge issues on their own merits.


I have demonstrated that I care about this community.




Thank you for reading this web site and please contact me on: -


Telephone number 01455 553302


Email Me (click on Email Me)



Vote Lutterworth


Vote Bill Piper



Video produced by Daniel G Hughes  http://www.danielghughes.com/


Most pictures and newspaper articles from the Lutterworth Mail, photographer Andrew Carpenter.

Website counter

Published by Bill Piper, 25, Guthlaxton Avenue, Lutterworth, LE17 4ET.